This recipe uses large prawns so if you can get your hands on some then it will work perfectly. You can make these prawns on a Braai or a griddle pan on the stove. 

What You'll Need - Serves 2  

  • Large Prawns

  • 1 Lemon

  • 4 Garlic Cloves

  • 1/4 Cup Cooking Oil

  • Dry Chili Flakes

  • Salt & Pepper

Prep - 20 Minutes 

  • I'd suggest getting your prawns cleaned for you. Most shops and fisheries do it for free. They'll clean them and slit them down the back of the prawn.

  • Finely mince the garlic using a garlic press or pestle or mortar

  • Add the chili flakes, lemon juice and cooking oil to the garlic and combine.

  • Season the marinade with salt and pepper

  • Coat the prawns in the marinade making sure you apply the sauce to the flesh of the prawns.

  • Allow to marinade for at least 15 minutes

Let's Get Cooking - 10 Minutes 

  • If you're using a braai stand or the griddle pan, make sure they are extremely hot. If they aren't hot enough, the prawns might overcook

  • Place them on the braai/ pan by opening up the prawn to show the exposed flesh and laying it flat.

  • Cook for 5 minutes with the flesh down. As the prawns are cooking brush them with the remainder of the marinade.

  • Turn the prawns on their side and allow the shell to grill and crisp up for another 2 minutes each side.

  • Once cooked, drizzle lemon juice on the prawns and serve
